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Why Colon Cleansing is Important

Updated: Sep 11, 2022

Accumulated toxins may be absorbed into the system and over time may stress the organs of elimination which are the liver, kidneys, skin, and large intestine. The toxins move around and around in the lymph system and blood, slowly causing auto-intoxication which then leads to disease. Many people likely have years of impacted waste material in their colon. When you begin the colon cleansing process through fasting, healthy eating or lifestyle changes, the waste materials begin to break down and move out.

Colon Hydrotherapy helps your body eliminate these toxins.

No Medical Prescription Necessary

Although no medical prescription is necessary, an open system (the Water Lilly) is the unit I use to perform the service is FDA registered and a prepackaged, sealed disposable tubing is used for each client while the irrigation water goes through a triple purification system to ensure the highest quality of water usage.

You Perform Your Own Cleanse

Each session is self-administered and takes approximately 45 minutes and should be done in a series of 3 in a one-month period of time (once a week for three weeks) if you're experiencing severe constipation. For maintaining a normal gut, these cleanses should be done seasonally (4 times a year) for best results. This method cleanses the colon without stressing the individual. During the colonic, I'll examine the waste material to determine how many sessions you will need to feel better, followed by a basic nutritional outline for your individual needs. This non-invasive treatment will leave you feeling light, less bloated and energized.

Before a Colonic Session:

  • The days before the appointment eat as many water content foods as possible, examples: raw and cooked green leafy vegetables, raw vegetable drinks and whole grains. This will start hydrating the colon to ease your experience.

  • Try to cut down on all processed foods, examples: white flour products, cheese, dried foods, greasy foods and sugar. These foods have a tendency to dehydrate the colon and can make the experience more challenging.

  • Avoid eating 2 hours before the colon hydrotherapy appointment.

  • Avoid drinking liquids 1 hour before. It can make your bladder full during the colon hydrotherapy session.

  • Avoid all diuretic foods one day prior to your appointment, including; coffee, tea or soda. These can dehydrate and also make the bladder full.

After a Session:

  • It is best to eat light foods that are easy on the digestive system, example; steamed vegetables, soup and light protein (fish, chicken, tofu…), avoiding nuts, salads and icy foods and drinks, since the colon just exercised.

  • Drink more water to continue hydrating.

  • Adding 1 tbsp. of chlorophyll or ¼ tsp. pink salt to your water will help absorption.

  • Adding 2 tbsp. of lemon or 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in your water can help alkalinize.

  • Days following the session should be filled with vegetables (raw and steamed), soup, fruits, whole grains and pure water (not tap). Salads and raw foods have great enzymes and fiber.

  • For better health, avoid anything processed, bottled or canned; sugar, pasteurized dairy and all whites/starches (sugar, flour, rice).

  • A nutritionist can create a detailed plan for you.

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